Marc, another out-of-the-box perspective from you! I was thinking/hoping Pelosi's apparently undue confidence in Dem successes in 2022 was a result of a trait she seems to share with Sleepy Joe -- that is, a quickly-advancing state of "brain freeze" and the ability only to mouth what she wants to see happen, not what people want to actually happen. However, she is indeed also a long-time cold-blooded lizard, so it's very plausible that those Nov midterms may just be the next "fly" she's stalking while camouflaged by the media's (complicit?) inattention. Very in-character for her... one can only hope/pray for an event that freezes her plans in mid-slurp or way before. God Bless and Save America.

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I whole heartedly agree with you Marc. Pelosi needs to be stopped from her "insurection".

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